Ear Prompter for Presentations

If you want to eliminate notes and teleprompters, but don't have time to memorize, the Secret Prompter is your answer. It covertly feeds your lines right to your ear, through a wireless, hidden earpiece that plays your pre-recorded message.

Instead of feeling pressure, nervousness and adrenaline rush, you'll feel relaxed and confident. You can deliver a seamless, confident speech or presentation, on short notice. This virtually invisible prompting system is small, portable and self-contained. It works in any environment, across the globe.

No Memorizing … No Notes … No One Will Know

Think of it as a covert teleprompter… for your ear.  Instead of reading lines on a screen, the Secret Ear Prompter uses 007 stealth technology to whisper exactly what to say, in real time (no assistant needed).

In just a few minutes, the Secret Prompter can transform you from a nervous wreck to a confident, effective speaker.

It turns a livestream, webinar or video recording into an authentic experience for your viewers. You can look around, without losing your place on a teleprompter. The covert nature of this technology enables you to film in a variety of environments.

For example, you can talk while moving around the room, walking down a flight of stairs, strolling down the street, sitting in your car or in a public place.



The fact that you found our website indicates you are not a casual visitor. We endeavor to protect the discretion associated with the Secret Prompter.

That’s why we don’t advertise to the general public. Our marketing outreach is highly targeted, and you meet the criteria of someone likely to benefit from using our stealth technology.

We don’t accept online purchases. Before investing in a Secret Prompter, a prospective user must complete our interview process by phone, video conference or in person.

This is to insure Secret Prompter is a good fit for your individual situation, while helping guard against our technology being used for illicit purposes.

Successful public speakers are perceived as leaders. But, approximately 70% of the population has high levels of Public Speaking Anxiety.

91% of buyers say a presentation mistake impacts their decision to buy or move forward with the company.

90% of professionals say seeing a colleague make a presentation mistake impacts their desire to work with that person.

Does This Sound Familiar?

If so, you've been searching for a solution, and you found it. The Secret Prompter was developed by professional speaker and marketing magician Lee Lentz, 20 years ago, at the lowest point in his career.

As a marketing spokesperson team, corporations hired us to deliver a series of different education-based sales presentations to live audiences each week. Lee found himself struggling to remember his lines. Having to perform complex magic tricks during his presentations added another layer of difficulty and even more pressure.

Drawing on his ingenuity and three college degrees related to electronics technology, Lee developed an amazing technology and turned a career-ending challenge into an opportunity to help speakers and presenters be the best version of themselves.

Meet the Developer

Schedule a Discovery Call
with Lee  to Learn More!

FREE Guide!

The Golden Goose Guide to Persuasive Group Presentations™

What is a Golden Goose Presentation?

It’s a presentation for a particular target market that has been refined to such pinpoint accuracy that it can be delivered to different audiences with the same result, every single time.

For over 20 years, our platform sales presentations have been winning clients for companies across America. This guide reveals the strategies and techniques we use to create education-based presentations that engage and persuade an audience.

Don’t walk away from another presentation feeling disappointed. Our proven method will help you change opinions, win votes, or increase sales, whether you speak from a platform, at conference table or in front of a webcam.

People buy on emotion, but need logic to justify their decision. This guide walks you through the steps to get inside the mind of the audience and give them what they need for
enthusiastic buy-in to your solution or ideas.

What You'll Learn from the Golden Goose Presentation:

The Secret Prompter:
What People are Saying
"The Secret Prompter transformed my entire presentation experience. It helped me deliver a flawless speech, effortlessly. I must say, it completely exceeded my expectations. As someone who often finds it challenging to memorize lengthy speeches, this device was an absolute lifesaver. The setup process was remarkably simple.

Overall, I can't recommend the Secret Prompter enough for anyone who needs to give speeches, shoot videos, or do live streams. It truly revolutionizes the way we present ourselves, offering a practical solution for those who lack the time or inclination to memorize scripts. With this magical piece of electronics, you'll achieve perfect presentations effortlessly."
Fernando B.
Medical Professional
"I learned about the Secret Prompter but I didn't know if I could use it or not. But, with a few minutes of coaching from Lee, I got the hang of it. I didn’t think it was possible, but my first presentation was absolutely flawless.

Everyone at my firm was amazed and very impressed. They have no idea I didn’t memorize anything. They think I have super-powers. This little device is worth its weight in gold. It saves me hours of memorizing and rehearsing.

It helps me say everything I want to say, the way I want to say it, and I always stay within my time limit. And, I can’t say enough about Lee Lentz. I’ve found him to be extremely helpful and he always responds quickly when I have questions or need support." 
Tim H.
Benefits Strategist
"I love the idea of the Secret Prompter. The best products solve simple problems."
Eric C.
Exec V.P. CMO
"I would never have thought I could have given a presentation word-for-word, without memorizing, we’ve been able to capture lightning in a bottle!"
Kyle C.
Investment Advisor

When you're giving a speech or presentation, finding the extra hours to memorize and rehearse is a major challenge.

The Secret Prompter liberates you from hours of tedious memorizing. Instead, you’ll have extra time to invest in crafting a Golden Goose pitch deck that can persuade any audience. You’ll never have to stop short again. 

Even if you’re sleep deprived, recovering from jet lag or dealing with other issues, you can be the engaging, exciting speaker your audience expects.

The fear of ‘going blank’ or fumbling for words will be gone forever.  

The best part? Your audience will think you’re a natural-born speaker. Your clients, investors and peers will think you’re the smartest person in the room. 

Only you will know the secret, because the Secret Prompter is virtually undetectable, even up close.

Frequently Ask Questions
We understand the covertness of the Secret Prompter’s existence is part of its intrinsic value to you. We endeavor to maintain the confidentiality of your use of this technology. Our paramount concern is safeguarding your privacy and keeping the ‘secret’ in our Secret Prompter. We do this in three ways.

First, we don’t accept online purchases. Before buying a Secret Prompter, the prospective user must complete an interview process with Lee Lentz, by phone, video conference or in person. We want to make sure the Secret Prompter is a good fit for your individual situation, while helping to guard against our technology being used for illicit purposes.

Second, we respect the discretion required for our unique product. That’s why we don’t advertise to the general public. Our marketing approach is purposeful and precise. We only reach out to professionals whom we believe can truly benefit from the Secret Prompter, thus maintaining the exclusivity associated with this unique device.

Last, our communication partners are hand-picked and limited to only those with audiences that meet our criteria. Our goal is not about quantity, but about the quality of connections. We’re here to empower professionals facing the same presentation challenges we faced, and strive to strike a balance between careful outreach and ensured discretion.
It is very easy to do. The more you do it, the easier it gets. With just a little practice, it’ll be second nature to you. When you use the Secret Prompter, you hear words. You’re not giving thoughtful attention to the words. You’re just hearing the words and repeating or ‘parroting’ what you hear.

Your brain can process words faster than you can talk. People speak about 125 words a minute.
But, your brain can process around 800 words a minute. So, your brain recognizes the words you’re hearing, and you have plenty of time to talk. All you do is listen to the words and repeat what you hear. You just say what you’re hearing. 

You can try it for yourself using your own phone. Record yourself talking or reading for about 30 seconds. Talk at a nice even pace and enunciate your words. Then, go back and use an earbud to listen to what you recorded. That way, it will be like having an earpiece in your ear.

Press play and start talking after you hear the first 2 or 3 words. Just repeat what you hear. Don’t think about it.
You are hearing the sound of words and repeating them. You’re not fully listening to them, your just repeating the words you hear.

It really depends on your need. If you do a few informal talks and your income is not dependent on your speaking, then we would recommend the Classic Package #1

If you give speeches or presentations regularly and can generate income from your speaking, then we would suggest choosing  between the Classic Package #2 or Classic Package #3. Both of theses packages give you a complete back-up set of components, because life happens sometime.

If you lose an ear receiver or drop a digital recorder, you can still give your presentation with your back-up system. Personally, Lee never leaves home with out a complete back-up set because he never wants to be unprepared.

In either case, the Secret Prompter will help you to stay on point during your presentations and save time in memorizing your material.

Virtually everyone can use the Secret Prompter. As a kid, do you remember ‘parroting’ someone else, repeating every word they said? That’s exactly how the Secret Prompter works.

Here’s an easy exercise to try before you purchase the Secret Prompter: Turn on a podcast, radio or television news, where one person is talking. Then, repeat every word they say, staying about 1-2 seconds after they speak. When you speak, use your own voice. Don’t try to sound like the person you’re ‘parroting’.

Basically, you are listening and talking at the same time. YES, it’s possible! At first, you will need to focus on the words and keep the lag time about 1-2 seconds from when you hear the word until you say it.

As you gain experience, you can increase the lag time. This will give you time to think about hand gestures, voice inflections and other elements that make a presentation powerful.

The other benefit of using the Secret Prompter is being able to edit your content without having to re-record the entire presentation. You can also use your computer to load your presentation to your back-up digital recorders.

This will require basic computer skills.
– Can you use a mouse?
– Do you know how to save a file on your computer?
– Once you save the file, can you find it on your computer and open it?

If you answered ‘yes’ to the questions above, you have the necessary skills to edit your recorded soundtrack.

Certainly. When you upgrade, you pay the difference between your current system and the new system. You keep all your current components and you’ll receive additional components to bring your system to the new level. Classic Package #1 and want to upgrade to the Classic Package #2, you would receive 1 additional  custom ear receivers, 1 re-engineered digital voice recorder, 1 audio transfer loop, 1 trunkline connector, and 2 remote pause leg switches. This would give you everything that is in the Classic Package #2.)

Yes, you can use your Secret Prompter with any microphone system. There will not be any interference for you with your system

If you order the #1 Classic package, because the ear receiver is off-the-shelf, the entire system can be shipped the same day or next day you order, depending on the time of day your order is placed. It also depends on how many of the off-the-shelf ear receiver we have on hand at the time of your order. For the #2 Professional Package, all components, except for the custom-made ear receiver, can be shipped the same day or next day. If you order the #3 Pro-Plus package, we can ship all the components, except for the custom-made ear receivers, the same day or next day. Custom-made ear pieces can take  6-12 business days, and will be shipped separately from the other components.The reason it takes longer for our custom made ear pieces is you need to get custom ear molds of your ears and send them to us so we can get your custom ear pieces made from your molds.

Yes, we offer both.

Warranty: Secret Prompter/Infinity Partners Classic products are guaranteed to the original end-use purchaser for one year from purchase date. Secret Prompter/Infinity Partners Roger system components are guaranteed to the original purchaser for two years from purchase date. Our guarantee covers any defect in material or faulty production, except batteries and storage cases or pouches.

Returns: If you are not 100% satisfied with your product, you can return it within 1o days from delivery date and receive a refund, less a 25% restocking fee.

You will be responsible for shipping costs to return the item(s).

You can learn more about our warranty and return policy by clicking here.

All packages include access to a coaching video that covers the fundamental concepts and essential skills you need to fully utilize your Secret Prompter.

Topics include:

  • Understanding the basics of using the system
  • Familiarization with the equipment and setup process
  • Best practices for recording your presentation for playback on your Secret Prompter
  • Strategies to adjust speech pace and rhythm
  • How to work with PowerPoint or Keynote
  • How to handle unexpected distractions or interruptions during your speech
  • Other topics or additional assistance as needed.
  • Users have free access to live training.


Users have free access to live training.

This is a very good question and the answer depends on the individual. There is a learning curve, but it’s not difficult at all. Some people catch on quickly, others take a bit longer. 

So far, the record for using the Secret Prompter right out of the box is held by a financial advisor in Tennessee. With about 30 minutes of practice, he was able to use the Secret Prompter to record a video and stayed on script word-for-word.

To use the Secret Prompter, all you do is repeat what your pre-recorded message is saying through your ear receiver. If you are not familiar with your material, you will need say the words about 1-2 seconds after you hear them on the recording.

If you deliver the same presentation multiple times, you will become more familiar with the content. When that happens, you can let the words play for 3-4 seconds before repeating them. 

You will also need to learn a little about editing your recording on your computer with a free software program. This will allow you to tighten spacing, raise or lower the volume and cut and paste changes to the presentation.

You will find everything you need, including video tutorials and the free audio editing program download, in the members only section.

What happens if someone from the audience interrupts you with a question? No worries. Here’s how to handle it.

If you are in the middle of a sentence: Simply point to the person to acknowledge them, but continue talking until you get to a ‘stopping place’ (usually, the end of a sentence), and touch your remote pause button to instantly stop your audio feed. Address the question, then press the same button again to resume your audio feed. While pressing the button, say something like, “Okay, let’s pick up where we left off…”

If you are at the end of a sentence: touch your remote pause button to stop your audio feed. Address the question, then press the same button again to resume your audio feed. While pressing the button, say something like, “Okay, let’s pick up where we left off…”

Going off-script is simple and easy with the Secret Prompter. When you want to stop the recorded feed, simply touch your hidden remote pause switch.

Once you’re ready to resume, touch your switch again and start exactly where you left off in your presentation.

If you are on the fence, then we suggest not ordering a Secret Prompter right now. You don’t need another gadget sitting on the shelf, collecting dust.

You need to have a purpose in mind for using your new Secret Prompter.  It needs to return value to you for the money you invest.

Before purchasing the Secret Prompter, ask yourself these questions:
Can buying and using the Secret Prompter save me time and help me make more money?

2. How fast can I make my investment back using the Secret Prompter?

3. Will having the Secret Prompter help me increase my success rate?

Schedule a Discovery Call with Lee Lentz to Learn More!

anyone can deliver a compelling presentation WITH THE SECRET EAR PROMPTER.

This state-of-the-art prompter technology makes it impossible to forget your words. Imagine the difference when you put your notes away, step from behind the podium, make eye contact and genuinely connect with your audience. That’s when the magic happens!